Friday, 28 January 2011

I'm so excited I could Fuckin Shit..... Genny Love

Freshly rebuilt, Hoorah, I'm going in the Garage in the morning and I'm going to rub my balls all over it, Bedwyr (Fonda) is coming down tomorow and if he's lucky he can rub his balls over it too......... Good shit..


  1. My dick will be raw by da morning you fuckers...lovin it haha

  2. Yea know how you feel stuka bud, when i got my Genny my nutmilk was all gone the first week, bird thought i was bumming some other chick, im down to 7 visits to my garage a week to 3 tugs of the salami.

  3. Aw alrite then 4, but dont tell the missus, haha.

  4. I don't blame ya fella i'd be burping the worm all day if they were in my shed...luvin that front hub and dem bars,bike is sitting just right..!!

  5. So now i can tell which bike is which, yours is the one with all the cock porridge on it..

  6. fucking sweet dude!

  7. Hahaha burping the worm, Mr stuka, you are a naughty facker.
